Thursday, August 6, 2009

What women should know about men

Or, rather, what men should be telling their wives! I just finished the book For Women Only by Shaunti Feldhahn, and I feel like I understand what makes Ryan tick a little better. I guess I can't blame him for not telling me some of the things I read; I suppose they could make for an awkward conversation. I really appreciate what the author did in this book. She interviewed over a hundred men, and took a survey of over 1000 other men, as well. Since she got some pretty overwhelming answers, I suppose she was right to be able to make some generalizations. Also, the fact that her mission in writing the book was to encourage women to love their men the way they need to be loved really made an impression on me to try to understand how to love Ryan better, or rather, how to show him better. I don't want to go into details about the book here, but I think every woman should read it. It's important to know how your husband ticks in order to be the best wife you can be. And I think that is what God wants us to do.

1 comment:

taylor noel said...

I'm loving your reviews! Hehe - honestly, most of the books on my 'to-read' list are from you. ;) This one looks like a winner - I definitely want to read this - I feel the same way about how we should respond to spousal differences and I want to ever learn more about what makes the hubby tick and how I can better show my love in the way he needs. So cool - I'm reading that! :) Have you read 'The Five Love Languages' as well? I haven't yet, but have heard many great reviews - and it seems to follow along the same sort of lines - being aware of what your husband's/wife's 'love language(s)' is/are and how to respond. I'd love to read that too. x